Radiocommunications service for closed user groups

Specialized services in professional radio communication

Global Radio System presents a closed-network radiocommunication service, ready to meet any type of need in different business models. For more than 20 years, our company has specialized in offering an entire structure of radiocommunication equipment for optimizing communications among team members to achieve the best results.


We help companies that need secure, stable Professional Radio Communication solutions with national and/or international coverage, providing clear benefits in costs, connectivity, coverage, rapid deployment and commissioning.

Radiocommunication services for companies and institutions

radiocomunicaciones bomberos


Fire emergency services need an immediate radio communication method that provides quick solutions to minimize risks and increase public safety.

radio comunicaciones privada

Private Security

Private security, as well as concert management teams, public events and entertainment venues need excellent closed-network radio communication to carry out their work efficiently.

radiocomunicaciones policia

Local and National Police

With our professional radio communication equipment for police officers, we ensure safe and quality communication, where officers can be informed at all times of the most relevant information to carry out their citizen security tasks.

radiocomunicaciones ambulancias


Regarding radio communication equipment for ambulances and emergency services, Global Radio System offers a series of radio terminals specifically designed to solve the main obstacles that these professionals encounter every day at work.

radiocomunicaciones ayuntamientos

Local councils

Thanks to Global Radio System radio communication solutions, any local council will be able to share interconnected information, improving their security tasks for citizens and with excellent support for workers.

radiocomunicaciones grupos usuarios

Closed Networks

We offer adapted professional radio communication services to all types of private security groups.

We ensure effective, immediate and quality radio communication to maximize resources and obtain excellent performance from any work team.

Closed-network groups often need solutions adapted to their needs, which cover a specific line of communication to make the transmission of messages more effective and thus ensure best results in each task.

At Global Radio System we are dedicated to offering adapted professional radio communication services to all types of private security firms, police, fire and emergency services.

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The benefits of a good professional radio communication network

A good professional radio communication system prioritizes sharing information among work teams to achieve the best results and guarantee safety. For this reason, all our terminals and radio equipment offer:

radio comunicación profesional
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Professional Radio Communication with Global Radio System

Our team of experts in professional radio communication solutions has been offering personalized and individual advice for more than 20 years to hundreds of national and international companies who, to this day, continue to rely on our exclusive services.


We work tirelessly to adapt to the demands of each business, offering a professional and high-quality radio communication system that truly provides a real solution to your needs.

Having a good radio communication structure is often essential for a job to be carried out reliably and safely, both for the workers themselves and for their clients. We at Global Radio System strive every day to provide the best radio equipment offering the reliability and stability necessary for a range of professional sectors.

Our maximum commitment will always be focused on helping those companies and organizations that need an optimal solution to guarantee clear and direct radio communication among their workers, providing a variety of benefits and advantages. We fully adapt to any need and provide a safe and quality service, focused on making the most of radio communication as a leading strategy to improve any type of professional work.

Within our radio equipment menu, at Global Radio System we work with the best terminals on the market, adapting to the specific demands of each sector with three different types of equipment:

Our professional radio communication equipment offers a safe, stable and high-quality line of contact, with national and international coverage that benefits and facilitates everyday work.

Global Radio System collaborations

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